Benjamin C. Dalley is the founder of the Washington, D.C. consulting firm Xebec Enterprises, LLC. Highly involved with growth and efficiency strategies, Ben Dalley utilizes his expertise to provide valuable insight to associates and clients alike.

When operating in the small business sphere, it can be difficult to increase the bottom line when expenses continue to pile up. The ideas outlined below stand out as a few helpful suggestions to decrease costs and improve your business’s financial outlook.

1. Put effort into finding out where money is being spent. Whether you find you are spending too much on supplies, or not purchasing efficiently, tracking can be the first step in recognizing opportunity for budgetary improvement.

2. While outsourcing can seem impersonal, it can actually prove to be a very effective way of increasing efficiency and productivity without raising cost. Whether it’s saving on office space, benefits, and other expenses, hiring in this way can prove to be a flexible and cost-effective measure.

3. When hiring employees, take special care in bringing on the right people. Turnover can eat into a small budget, and it should be avoided by getting it right the first time around.